Author: admin

Covid-19 – effects on family law and alimony

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has changed and the impact has been felt in all areas of our lives, including our family law system. Especially in times like these, legal issues can arise for parents, married couples and single people who have child support obligations. In this article, we look at the current family law issues related to alimony during the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the main problems of the COVID-19 pandemic is the economic downturn, which is causing many people to face financial difficulties. Income-based alimony in particular can become problematic in this situation. Parents who owe child support are wondering whether they must continue to meet their child support obligations in the face of job losses or reduced work hours. We will address this issue and many other legal issues related to family law and alimony in this article.

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Covid 19 resource center: small business commission

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting economies around the world. Small businesses, in particular, are struggling to sustain their businesses as they are forced to close or severely curtail their operations.

Covid 19 resource center: small business commission

The Small Business Commission (SBC) was created to help small businesses overcome the impact of COVID-19. The SBC is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide resources to small businesses to help them overcome these challenges.

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Useful tips to get through the month, even if the bank account is empty

It is a well-known problem: The end of the month is approaching, the account is empty and there are still many days until the next salary or payment is made. In such situations, it is important to keep a cool head and focus on useful tips that will help to cope with the financial situation.

Although it’s obvious that we shouldn’t spend money if we don’t have any, sometimes it’s difficult to resist temptations and keep a clear head. But even if your bank account is empty, there are still ways to make a living and improve your financial situation.

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Columbus free clinic – health care for disadvantaged communities

Health care is a basic right, but unfortunately not everyone has equal access to it. There are many communities in the U.S. that are underserved due to poverty, lack of insurance or lack of health care. Columbus Free Clinic is committed to making health care available to these individuals.

The Columbus Free Clinic is a nonprofit organization run by dedicated volunteers. Since 1967, it has been a vital resource for health care in Columbus, Ohio. The clinic provides free medical and dental services to people without health insurance and without sufficient financial resources. Targeted healthcare programs are also offered for specific populations such as women, children and the elderly.

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After saying yes: change, merge or cancel insurances

The wedding is an exciting event in the life of every couple. It doesn’t just mean love and togetherness, but also responsibility and change. One of the things many couples need to address after their wedding is changes to their insurance policies. Making a sensible decision can save a lot of money in the process.

It is important to check what insurance both partners had before marriage. Couples should be aware that their insurance rates may be recalculated by insurers after the wedding. In some cases, it may even be necessary to get insurance quotes from other providers to find a cheaper deal.

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Data protection when signing a lease – what landlords are allowed to ask for

Data protection when signing a lease - what landlords are allowed to ask for

In the process of signing a lease, tenants are often required to provide sensitive personal information. Landlords are very interested in this information in order to protect themselves against possible rent defaults or to check the creditworthiness of the potential tenant. But which data is a landlord actually allowed to request and which is not? What legal provisions must be observed in this regard?
The issue of data protection also plays an important role in rental law. When collecting personal data, the landlord must take into account the requirements of data protection and ensure that he does not get himself into legal trouble. Because in the event of a breach of data protection, the landlord faces a heavy fine.
In this article, you will learn what data landlords are allowed to request and what rules must be observed in doing so. We also go over the tenant’s rights regarding the collection and processing of their personal data. As a landlord or tenant, you can find out about the legal requirements and how you can protect yourself against data misuse.

The basics of data protection in rental agreements

Lease data privacy is an important issue that both tenants and landlords should pay attention to. In connection with the rental of housing, personal data of tenants is unavoidable. However, data collection and processing must always be in compliance with data protection law.

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The importance of cyber security in the it world

Nowadays, the importance of cyber security in any industry is undeniable. However, especially in the IT industry, it is elementary to consider cyber security in all aspects. As the use of technology has become ubiquitous in today’s world, the risks associated with online security have also increased. To mitigate these risks, it is critical to make cybersecurity an integral part of every IT discipline.

The need for cyber security in the IT world is underscored by the constant threats of cyber crime and data breaches. IT professionals face the challenge of identifying security vulnerabilities in their organizations’ IT infrastructure and taking appropriate measures to protect systems from external attacks. Neglected cyber security could lead to serious consequences such as data loss, damage to the company’s reputation, and even legal ramifications.

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The new kfw subsidy program: benefits for homeowners

With the new KfW subsidy program, homeowners will receive more financial support from the government in 2021. The German government has decided to increase the subsidy budget for significantly more energy-efficient construction projects. This should increase the incentive to invest in sustainable residential buildings and make an important contribution to climate protection.

The KfW subsidy program supports homeowners in implementing energy-efficient measures such as the installation of solar systems, thermal insulation or a heating system upgrade. Compared to conventional building measures, this can save a lot of CO2.

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Carefree driving pleasure with the right insurance for sports car rental

Carefree driving pleasure with the right insurance for sports car rental

If you decide to buy a sports car, you don’t just want to get from A to B quickly, you also want to experience that special driving experience. The right insurance plays a crucial role, because an accident can not only damage your own vehicle, but also cause high costs. Therefore, it is important to inform yourself in advance and to take out adequate insurance.

Good insurance offers protection not only in the event of accidents, but also in the event of theft or vandalism. It covers not only damage to one’s own vehicle, but also to other vehicles or persons. In addition, it should also cover liability damage and protect the driver from possible recourse claims.

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Government plans higher investment for agriculture

Government plans higher investment for agriculture

The German government has announced that it will invest more money in agriculture in the future. This is intended to support small farms in particular and make the agricultural economy more sustainable.

This is a response to criticism from environmentalists and consumers, who have long had doubts about conventional agriculture in Germany. Investments should help ensure that more ecologically sustainable methods are used in agriculture.

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