Category: Loans

Fast repayment on a real estate loan: is it worth it??

For most people, a real estate loan is the largest financial investment of their lives. It is therefore important to keep costs as low as possible. One way to do this is to repay the loan quickly. But is it really worth it?

Repaying a real estate loan is not just about paying back the money borrowed, but also about the interest that has to be paid on the loan amount. The longer the term of the loan, the higher the interest that will eventually have to be paid. A fast repayment can therefore help to minimize this interest burden and thus save money in the long run.

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Corona crisis: students urgently need financial assistance

The spread of the coronavirus and the measures that accompany it present immense financial challenges, especially for students. Numerous students have lost their part-time jobs and can barely keep their heads above water. In view of this situation, politicians are now calling for emergency Corona aid for students.

The federal government had already decided on the aid package for students in March. But much criticism is directed at the fact that this package is not sufficient. Many students had fallen through the cracks and are now struggling with existential fears.

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The victims of payday loan scams are the most financially vulnerable people

Payday loans are often advertised as a quick fix for financial emergencies. In reality, however, they are often a trap for people who are financially unstable. Scammers take advantage of this and target the most vulnerable populations.

Many victims of these scams are people who are in financially precarious situations and need immediate help. These scams can cause people to spiral into debt and have to extend their financial losses.

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Dusseldorf – how a company’s tax payments can affect its liquidity

Companies in Dusseldorf and other cities around the world have to pay taxes on a regular basis. These tax payments can cost a significant portion of a company’s liquidity. Liquidity refers to the ability of a firm to make all payments that are due, including tax payments, salaries, and bills from suppliers.

Businesses have several options to plan and manage their tax payments. It is important to have good tax advisors who are able to minimize tax liabilities and identify tax saving measures. Another important factor is to ensure that businesses make their tax payments on time and correctly to avoid penalties and fines.

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Fundbox named among the fastest-growing fintech startups on cb insights fintech 250 list for 2018

CB Insights Fintech 250 list for 2018 was released and Fundbox was selected as one of the fastest growing fintech startups. The list showcases the most exciting and innovative companies that are revolutionizing and transforming the financial sector.

Fundbox has quickly made a name for itself in the fintech industry since its founding in 2013. It is known worldwide for its unique small business financing solution through which customers can access capital in real time.

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Covid 19 resource center: small business commission

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting economies around the world. Small businesses, in particular, are struggling to sustain their businesses as they are forced to close or severely curtail their operations.

Covid 19 resource center: small business commission

The Small Business Commission (SBC) was created to help small businesses overcome the impact of COVID-19. The SBC is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide resources to small businesses to help them overcome these challenges.

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Data protection when signing a lease – what landlords are allowed to ask for

Data protection when signing a lease - what landlords are allowed to ask for

In the process of signing a lease, tenants are often required to provide sensitive personal information. Landlords are very interested in this information in order to protect themselves against possible rent defaults or to check the creditworthiness of the potential tenant. But which data is a landlord actually allowed to request and which is not? What legal provisions must be observed in this regard?
The issue of data protection also plays an important role in rental law. When collecting personal data, the landlord must take into account the requirements of data protection and ensure that he does not get himself into legal trouble. Because in the event of a breach of data protection, the landlord faces a heavy fine.
In this article, you will learn what data landlords are allowed to request and what rules must be observed in doing so. We also go over the tenant’s rights regarding the collection and processing of their personal data. As a landlord or tenant, you can find out about the legal requirements and how you can protect yourself against data misuse.

The basics of data protection in rental agreements

Lease data privacy is an important issue that both tenants and landlords should pay attention to. In connection with the rental of housing, personal data of tenants is unavoidable. However, data collection and processing must always be in compliance with data protection law.

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The new kfw subsidy program: benefits for homeowners

With the new KfW subsidy program, homeowners will receive more financial support from the government in 2021. The German government has decided to increase the subsidy budget for significantly more energy-efficient construction projects. This should increase the incentive to invest in sustainable residential buildings and make an important contribution to climate protection.

The KfW subsidy program supports homeowners in implementing energy-efficient measures such as the installation of solar systems, thermal insulation or a heating system upgrade. Compared to conventional building measures, this can save a lot of CO2.

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Everything you need to know about credit union personal loans

Credit unions are nonprofit financial institutions owned and operated by members. Unlike traditional banks, credit unions strive to provide financial benefits to their members. One way credit unions do this is through personal loans.
A personal loan is a type of loan taken by individuals for personal purposes. Credit unions offer personal loans for various purposes such as debt consolidation, car purchases or unexpected expenses.
In this series of articles, we will cover everything you need to know about credit union personal loans, from the advantages and disadvantages to the requirements and tips for applying for a loan. Read on to learn more.

Credit union personal loans: everything you need to know

A credit union personal loan is a loan made by a credit union to individuals. Unlike traditional banks, credit unions are cooperatively organized and controlled and managed by their members. This structure allows credit unions to offer their services at a lower cost to benefit their members.

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Caution small print! Tips for a successful loan

It is tempting to create financial freedom quickly and easily by taking out a loan. However, the devil is often in the details and you should read the fine print carefully to avoid any nasty surprises. A loan can quickly become a debt trap if you are not careful.

But how to find the right loan and what to look out for? In this article, tips are presented that will help you conclude a successful loan. It is not only about choosing the right bank, but also about the different forms of credit and interest rates, as well as the coverage in case of unemployment or illness.

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