Category: Education

Now it’s all about equitable education!

Today’s society is heavily influenced by education, and educational equity plays an essential role here. In Germany, all children have the right to education, regardless of their social origin or financial background. Unfortunately, the reality is different, and educational opportunities are often unevenly distributed.

Leopoldina’s calls for educational equity are an important step in the right direction. The Union for Education and Science (GEW) explicitly welcomes these demands and sees them as a confirmation of its longstanding demands. Educational equity must be a top priority so that every child, regardless of background, has an equal opportunity to develop their skills and achieve their dreams.

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China boosts support for africa with new $60 billion incentive package

China has announced it will expand its support for the African continent with a new $60 billion incentive package. This new package is part of China’s "One Belt, One Road" program initiative, which aims to promote trade and economic cooperation with countries along the ancient Silk Road.

The incentive package comes at a time when some African countries are facing stagnant growth and severe poverty. China hopes the package will strengthen its trade with Africa and also improve its political relations. In return, Africa will gain access to cheap loans and technological advances that will allow it to strengthen its own economy and fight poverty.

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